
Showing posts from September, 2021

What is Life

Oh' Life It's only a four - letter word yet and yet The hardest word to define .. Life here on earth it's a lot to take in, How are you doing right at this moment Defines what kind of life you are living in. How are you on the out.. Reflects your entire world inside you. Or the other way around. Life is itself is a mystery or a misery. Everyday is a gift that caught us in awe surprise. It is an adventure of a lifetime or your doom. At the end of the day It all goes down to you. Because how you lived your life, Is all your doing WE co-create things. We are the creator of our lives. We are destined to do greater things. We live not only once but a million lives ahead or before us. But we solely exist in this very moment at this significant time in this physical body.. for a reason. And that reason is YOU. You - to make a difference. -Chekay-